Sunday 22 July 2012

The Homecoming

It felt like it would never happen but finally the day is here when Enid returns from the far end of the world.  She left on the 25th of May which makes it close on two months that I had to live without her.  There was not a day that went past that I did not think of her.  I even made her side of the bed up in the mornings!

She is due to arrive at 16h30 this afternoon and Mabel and Dean is ready to fetch her at the airport.  I did not prepare the proverbial fatted calf, but I did make a pot of soup.  It has the advantage that it can be heated up with very little fuss and leftovers can be frozen.  It is still winter and soup is always a winner if you get hungry.  I also thought it would be nice to have her car washed and filled up with petrol.  This nearly backfired because the regular carwash was out of action (their machine was broken) but fortunately I remembered that Michael once told me of a place where he took his car to be washed.  This carwash is very efficient and I was helped quickly.  To top it off they are cheaper and I only paid R30 for a wash and dry which cost R45 at the place I usually take the car to.  I will henceforth support the cheaper one, even a full job – wash, dry and vacuum cost R50 compared to R60.

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