Monday 23 July 2012

Back to the salt mines

Sleeping next to a human hot water bottle in the middle mof winter is preferred over an electric blanket.  Although I have nearly forgotten about this hot water bottle’s ice cold feet looking for warmth by rubbing against my warm leg.  Brrr..., that part was not so nice.  Since we last shared a bed I had to energise myself with oxygen and the contraption had to remain inserted while sleeping.  Because I have to do 15 – 18 hours a day on the oxygen generator I retire to bed at 10 o’clock which gives me 7 hours if I get up at 5 o’clock.  So today was the first morning since the 25th of May that the partnership was intact again.  Rude awakening – the suitcase that came with a lot of washing and because this chore is mine to take care of I had to get busy as soon as I filled up R2 D2 and moved him with all his pipes to his corner in the small lounge.  All went well until the wife discovered that the bathroom scale is not responding and worked out that somebody removed the batteries.  Of course you know who got the blame me, Stuart and Sonja.  On closer inspection I found that  the battery was not of the normal A4 penlight sort but was a coin shaped the size of a R1.  I fetched a replacement at the dry cleaners, replaced it and everything was OK again.
Am still struggling to get into the routine of household chores and absorbing oxygen in two hour stretches, but I am getting there.  Decided today that I must  invest in a portable oxygen unit, to use when I have to go out.  According to the catalogue this may set us back about R4000 but may be worthwhile.  I will follow this up with Ecomed to bring a unit with when they come to service R2 D2 in six week’s time.   

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