Tuesday 24 July 2012

Operation Catch Up

Second night that Enid is back and we realised that our rhythm of watching TV in the evenings is badly disturbed, partly as result of my grand idea of saving the episodes that she missed while in Australia.  That meant that she had to catch up on the recorded episodes before joining me on the current ones.  Problem is that as result of our system of high definition TV I have to watch Villa Rosa and Binnelanders on the big TV in the lounge.  And so it was agreed that I would watch my soapies in the morning after until she has caught up.  Monday afternoon  we had a visit from Stuart and Sonja and when they left we finished watching Drop a Million Dollars after which I went to sort out the dishes for the dishwasher, watch 7de Laan and catch up on some household administration.  I kept R2 D2 going and had the bonus of extra time earned towards my minimum of 15 hours.  Enid started on her job to catch up on back episodes but when I looked in on her she was fast asleep (jet-lag?) and I woke her up, but she insisted she was not sleeping.  Why argue.  So, I went to bed at 10 o ‘clock and slept until the early hours of the morning and realised I was back to being lonesome in our bed.  I slept some more and got up at 5, took my handful of pills, made the bed, sorted out R2’s water and hooked him up ready for action.  Then, I found that Enid was not sleeping in front of the TV but spent the whole night watching the back episodes.  She did well because at eight o’clock I could watch the latest episodes with her.  Half of the mission was therefore accomplished and maybe sleeping alone was limited to the one night.

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