Wednesday 18 July 2012

The dramatic weekend

I had to find something worthwhile to do while I am linked to the oxygen generator (for lack of a better description).  My investment in a portable computer can now be put to good use.  After considering all the options which my few talents may be able to cope with I decided that I will give Blogger a go.  I like writing and this concept, as far as I know, is very much on a personal level and not to be confused with constructing fictional stories or even a book.  With Meghan's enthusiastic assistance I got started and have already partly finished my profile.

The heading of the first entry is the Dramatic Weekend which refers to the Super 15 rugby competition which had an absolute dream of a conclusion of  the qualifying rounds.  I run a competition for the family in which the 14 members predict what they think the results would be.  All the entries are directed to me via e-mail and I use a formula which Michael worked out a number of years ago by means of which points are calculated for picking the winner end guessing the score difference.  When Saturday 14 July dawned I prepared myself for a proverbial wall to wall rugby for the day.   Even my parrot, Verdi, who is spoiled on such days, was extra chirpy.  The first match was played in Canberra and started a little after seven in the morning (SA time).  The result was  probably the worst that the Brumbies expected and this virtually set the scene for the rest of the day in which a further 5 matches had to be played.  When the last match, Bulls versus the Lions, started the final qualifiers were still in the balance.   Enid was still in Australia and the whole day belonged to me and Verdi - I did not even open a door.  I just saw to it that the two of us had enough to eat and drink.  By the end of the day I was emotionally drained and I left all the admin work for the next day.   Although it was nice not to be disturbed I did miss the presence of somebody to share the ups and downs with.  Unfortunately Verdi's vocabulary is very limted!

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