Thursday 9 August 2012

A Winter wonderland in Wierdapark.

7 August 2012 was the day the snow came down in Wierdapark.  This phenomenon was first picked up by Granny when she came back from Unitas Hospital and she heard over 702 Talk Radio that snow in Pretoria was reported.  If I am not mistaken the previous snow occurred more than 50 years ago.  Sonja and Stuart recently moved to Guinevierre, a housing complex within a couple of kilometers from us, and Sonja phoned us to say that it snowed by them and to prove her story she sent us a photo showing the whitish landscape in their little yard.  I did not think snow will reach us but when I picked Cheryl up at the school she was over thje moon with the news about snow in Pretoria.  She was very anxious ton see snowflakes coming  down and was continually pointing at anything she thought could be a lost snowflake.  In the distance toward JHB I pointed out to her that the clouds seem ominously like they may be carrying snow and to please her I took a detour to get home, just in case we may encounter more snowflakes.  We got home and fixed lunch.  I retired to the spare room to watch the Olympics - everything nice and peaceful.  Roundabout 3 o'clock I heard a commotion which gave me a bit of a fright and I made a quick effort to find the reason for the commotion.  It was snowing outside and it was an unreal picture that greeted me when I looked out of the windows.  The snowflakes were slowly drifting down and formed a white sheet over the paving and the grassed areas.  I did not know whether I was sorry or glad that the snowfall only lasted a couple of minutes and any sign of the winter wonderland disappeared very quickly.  At least it satisfied Cheryl's curiosity and we had something exiting to talk about!   

1 comment:

  1. I always wanted it to snow when I was a kid, I remember looking at our backyard, wishing for snow. My wish was granted but many years later, and I did not get to see it. At least it gave Cheryl alot of pleasure so I will take credit for it :)
